You have searched for gurdaspur-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

341 Special repair/replacement of sub main wiring with distribution board / panel and certain light fittingsinside 172 MH at Tibri Mil Stn under GE Gurdaspur
342 Prov. YL in Additional Area, Prov YL and SL in 4 No. Parking Area, Special Repair of YL, Prov and SR EI in Cover Shed and Repair and Painting of various tower and Panel in various purchase centre at NGM Fatehgarh Churrian, Distt. Gurdaspur
343 Sale of Sugar
TRN : 593809 |  Gurdaspur - Punjab
Contract Value : 6.51 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Cooperation
Tender award for sale of sugar
344 Special Repair of Internal Roads in NGM at Dhariwal and Sub Yard Bangowani, Langah, Purchase Centre Jaffarwal, Sohal Kot Santokh Rai falls in M.C. Dhariwal from Earth work to PC with Tack Coat and Seal Coat and Culverts etc
345 Repair of Internal roads ,Pavement Including earth Filling in Principal Yard Dina Nagar ,Repair of Existing internal roads of Purchase Centres Jharoli,Marrara, Paniar MC
346 Constrution of Parkings with D.B Flooring in Principal Yard Quadian , Repair of Existing APF of Purchase Centres Kandila and Beri, Const. of Sitting Benches in various Mandies and repair of RCC Cover shed MC QUADIAN
347 Repair of Internal roads ,Pavement Including earth Filling in Principal Yard Dina Nagar ,Repair of Existing internal roads of Purchase Centres Jharoli,Marrara, Paniar MC Dina Nagar
348 Special Repair of Internal Roads in NGM at Gurdaspur and Sub Yard Kala Nangal, Purchase Centre Sahowal, Bhagokanwan, Gajni Pur and Ali Nangal falls in M.C. Gurdaspur from Earth work to PC with Tack Coat and Seal Coat and Culverts etc
349 Special repair of Various link roads Repair Programme 2018 19 Phase II from Compaction of Earth Work upto Premix Carpet including, Culverts, Drains, Retaining walls, Road furniture, Roads Safety etc. falls in Market Committee Batala G No7
350 Special repair of Various link roads Repair Programme 2018 19 Phase II from Compaction of Earth Work upto Premix Carpet including, Culverts, Drains, Retaining walls, Road furniture, Roads Safety etc. falls in Market Committee Batala G No6

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