You have searched for guwahati-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Improvement of Balance portion of Nagarik Path at Chandan Nagar under S.O.P.D (G) for the year 2021-22 under Dispur Territorial Road Division
2 Procurement of flood fighting materials (Geo-Textile Bag) for Water Resources Department for the year 2022-23 (Zone-2)
TRN : 861763 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.97 Crore | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for procurement of flood fighting materials (geo-textile bag) for water resources department for the year 2022-23 (zone-2)
3 R/M of Border Flood Light installed along IBB in AOR of 75 BN BSF (BN HQ Gandhinagar - 1) under SHQ BSF Gopalpur of Ghty FTR (Sh Painting of BFL Poles (407) main Feeder pillars (07) and Sub Feeder Pillars (35)
4 Procurement of flood fighting materials (Geo-Textile Bag) for Water Resources Department for the year 2022-23 (Zone-1)
TRN : 861764 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.97 Crore | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for procurement of flood fighting materials (geo-textile bag) for water resources department for the year 2022-23 (zone-1)
5 Procurement of flood fighting materials (PSC Porcupine) for Water Resources Department for the year 2022-23 (Zone-1)
TRN : 861765 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 1.79 Crore | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for procurement of flood fighting materials (psc porcupine) for water resources department for the year 2022-23 (zone-1)
6 Immediate measures to B/dyke from Bahari to Baghbar for recoupment of breach like damages at different reaches in between ch.41100m to 52200m including pro-siltation measures under SDRF for 2021-22. RETENDER
7 Name of Work: Repair/Renovation of Judicial Officers complex, RCC 2 (two) Storied Addl. District & Sessions Judge & CJM quarter, Grade-II Judicial Officer's Quarter, Security barrack, car parking, garrage, sentry post, drainage system, paver tiles etc. at Kokrajhar, Assam.
8 Anti-Erosion measures to protect village Kuruabahi and its adjoining areas from the erosion of river Nonoi. RETENDER
TRN : 861769 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 2.14 Crore | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for anti-erosion measures to protect village kuruabahi and its adjoining areas from the erosion of river nonoi. retender
9 Providing man power for housekeeping of NEEPCO Offices at NEEPCO Bhawan and premises, Subham Buildwell Complex and maintenance of Lawn and Gardens of NEEPCO Bhawan Premises at Guwahati for the period of 1(one) year (from the date of issue of Work Ord
10 Request for Proposal document for Procurement of Automatic Rain Gauge
TRN : 867053 |  Guwahati - Assam
Contract Value : 6.13 Lacs | Agency Name : India Meteorological Department
Tender award for request for proposal document for procurement of automatic rain gauge

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