166Renewal Coat and Maintenance Drain of Cement Conrete flooring at Kirar Colony Gali No. 3 and 4, Army ki Bazariya Near Jadoun ji, Near Police Quarter and Dr. Dharmendra Tiwari ke pass at Ward No. 54
Gwalior - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
6.98 Lacs |Agency Name :
Municipal Corporation
169Construction of 150 Nos of Brick Masonry Sluice Valve Chambers and Installation of S.F.R.C. Covers (Size 0.6 mx0.90 m) in different Wards ( 1-17,31,32,33 and 36) Gwalior Municipal Corporation file NO. 114/19x9/1
Gwalior - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value :
14.67 Lacs |Agency Name :
Urban Administration And Development