You have searched for hazaribagh-jharkhand- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.
311Repairing/rewinding of 630 KVA, 3.3KV/433V transformer, Sl. No. 78383, Make Kirloskar associated circuit braker of make Andrew Yule of Kedla OCP under Hazaribagh Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
2.63 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
313Repairing of OLG make VCB, Sl. No.385, 630A, 3.3 KV grade OLG make VCB, Sl. No. 387, 630A, 3.3 KV grade installed at main substation of Jharkhand Open Cast Project under Hazaribagh Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
3.46 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
315Erection and commissioning of 02 sets of triangular towers with supply of 90W LED Flood light fittings for proper illumination at the 4T.B quarry of Kedla OCP under Hazaribag Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
3.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
316Dismantling and erection of poles, jumper, brackets etc. for advancement/ extension of 3.3KV electrical overhead line to provide power to HEMM for coal/OB production of Jharkhand OCP under Hazaribag Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
5.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited
320Maintenance and Installation of 10MVA, 33KV/11KV 33KV MOCB Aline make with 33KV CT and 1250 Amp GOABs at Central Sub-station Basnatpur under Hazaribagh Area.
Hazaribagh - Jharkhand
Contract Value :
8.15 Lacs |Agency Name :
Central Coalfields Limited