You have searched for indore-madhya-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1341 Central Lighting with LED Street Lights
TRN : 594585 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.64 Lacs | Agency Name : Urban Administration And Development
Tender award for central lighting with led street lights
1342 Renovation of Non-functional PWSS of different villages
TRN : 607176 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 51.09 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for renovation of non-functional pwss of different villages
1343 Shifting of H.T. L.T. line
TRN : 594590 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 54.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Urban Administration And Development
Tender award for shifting of h.t. l.t. line
1344 Building
TRN : 645906 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 30 | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for building
1345 Central Lighting with LED Street Lights and Poles
TRN : 594594 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 87.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Urban Administration And Development
Tender award for central lighting with led street lights and poles
1346 C. C. Road
TRN : 623832 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 37 | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for c. c. road
1347 Purchase material for maintenance of street lights installed
TRN : 594603 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.80 Crore | Agency Name : Urban Administration And Development
Tender award for purchase material for maintenance of street lights installed
1348 Building
TRN : 645910 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 17 | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for building
1349 Gantry Crane Starter Panel
TRN : 607159 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.96 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for gantry crane starter panel
1350 Building
TRN : 645913 |  Indore - Madhya Pradesh
Contract Value : 30 | Agency Name : Rural Engineering Services
Tender award for building

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