You have searched for jaipur-rajasthan- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1061 Supply of Battery AMRON MAke
TRN : 621347 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of battery amron make
1062 Supply of Tyre and tube CONTINENTAL MAKE
TRN : 621349 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tyre and tube continental make
1063 Tata make vehicles repairing work
TRN : 621350 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for tata make vehicles repairing work
1064 Supply of Tata Make vehicles spare parts
TRN : 621351 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tata make vehicles spare parts
1065 Supply of Tyre Good Year Make
TRN : 621352 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tyre good year make
1066 Supply of tyre Michelin Make
TRN : 621353 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tyre michelin make
1067 Supply of TYRE JK Make
TRN : 621355 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tyre jk make
1068 Supply of tyre CEAT Make
TRN : 621356 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tyre ceat make
1069 Supply of tyre BIRLA Make
TRN : 621358 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of tyre birla make
1070 Supply of Battery Exide Make
TRN : 621360 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1 | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Motor Garrage
Tender award for supply of battery exide make

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