You have searched for jaipur-rajasthan- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

TRN : 790342 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 7.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for welcome maint to offrs md accn at niwaru
162 Provn of Guard Room and sentry post at main entry and exit gate at Niwaru Mil Stn
TRN : 790356 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 8.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for provn of guard room and sentry post at main entry and exit gate at niwaru mil stn
163 Provn of securing fencing, hard standing, gate, path for pump house Nos 8 and constr of 04 Nos sockage well at Niwaru mil Stn
164 Name of Work: Provn of securing fencing, hard standing, gate & interlocking tiles path for sewage tretement plant at Niwaru Jaipur Mil Stn
165 E tender for supply and installation of 100 Mbps (1-1) Internet Leased Line Connectivity at College Campus-Lalsot and 100 Mbps point to point connectivity between College and University Campus Jobner with firewall Security at Lalsot
166 Construction of Chief Minister Teachers/ Praharis (Constable/ Head Constable) Scheme MIG-A 96 nos. (B+S+12) flats Block - F Zone-266, Sector-26, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer,
167 Construction of Chief Minister Teachers/ Praharis (Constable/ Head Constable) Scheme MIG-A 96 nos. (B+S+12) flats Block - E Zone-266, Sector-26, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer,
168 Construction of Chief Minister Teachers/ Praharis (Constable/ Head Constable) Scheme MIG-A 96 nos. (B+S+12) flats Block - D Zone-266, Sector-26, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer,
169 Construction of Chief Minister Teachers/ Praharis (Constable/ Head Constable) Scheme MIG-A 96 nos. (B+S+12) flats Block - C Zone-266, Sector-26, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer,
170 Construction of Chief Minister Teachers/ Praharis (Constable/ Head Constable) Scheme MIG-A 96 nos. (B+S+12) flats Block - B Zone-266, Sector-26, Pratap Nagar, Sanganer,

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