You have searched for jaipur-rajasthan- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

261 Rate Enquiry of Medicines For ECHS
TRN : 846180 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for rate enquiry of medicines for echs
262 Supply of Printing Paper (Meplitho), Photostat Paper and General Stationary at Pant Krishi Bhawan, Jaipur
TRN : 843810 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 35.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for supply of printing paper (meplitho), photostat paper and general stationary at pant krishi bhawan, jaipur
263 Rate Enquiry of Consumable/Drugs and Allied for DGLP
TRN : 844561 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 19.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for rate enquiry of consumable/drugs and allied for dglp
264 Supply of Automatic Hand Sanitizer
TRN : 844397 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : NA | Agency Name : Rajasthan Electronics And Instruments Limited
Tender award for supply of automatic hand sanitizer
TRN : 842727 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 1.82 Crore | Agency Name : Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited
Tender award for supply of cattle feed raw materials
266 Request for proposal (RFP) for Testing and Sealing of single phase and three phase whole current meters installed at consumer’s site in different areas of Jaipur Discom
267 Procurement of spare ADW-511A module for Rim Seal Fire Protection system at Chaksu station, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
TRN : 840901 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 12.42 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of spare adw-511a module for rim seal fire protection system at chaksu station, jaipur (rajasthan)
268 Repair of Mainline Pump (MP-1) of JPNPL, Mohanpura
TRN : 846203 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 2.82 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repair of mainline pump (mp-1) of jpnpl, mohanpura
269 Procurement of Dry Chemical Powder (Potassium bi-carbonate based) for maintenance of DCP fire extinguishers installed at WRPL Chaksu Base
270 Providing assistance in day to day maintenance of mechanical equipments at WRPL, Chaksu
TRN : 846204 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 6.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing assistance in day to day maintenance of mechanical equipments at wrpl, chaksu

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