You have searched for jaipur-rajasthan- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

341 Annual Rate Contract of Up gradation and Repairing (with material) of Electric LT Panel/starter installed
TRN : 822797 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 6.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for annual rate contract of up gradation and repairing (with material) of electric lt panel/starter installed
342 Provision of Canopy at Ms B R Petroleum Harsoli Distt Jaipur under Jaipur DO
TRN : 822391 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 17.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for provision of canopy at ms b r petroleum harsoli distt jaipur under jaipur do
343 Repair Maintenance of lifts in bldg No 299,300,302,304,305 and 306 of Gothic line Zone-II area under GE(S) Jaipur
TRN : 823079 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 8.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair maintenance of lifts in bldg no 299,300,302,304,305 and 306 of gothic line zone-ii area under ge(s) jaipur
344 Provision of Mild Steel Chequered type plate cover in existing cable trench with all respect surrounding 33/11 KV Sub stn Yard and in side of Sub stn near HQ SWC new KLP Command Bldg under GE(S) Jaipur
345 Repair and Maintenance of Summer Cooling applainces and Desert Coolers under AGE E/M III of GE(S) Jaipur
TRN : 823083 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 11.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Military Engineer Services
Tender award for repair and maintenance of summer cooling applainces and desert coolers under age e/m iii of ge(s) jaipur
346 Supply of Generic Drugs and Medicines
TRN : 822791 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 25.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Mental Hospital
Tender award for supply of generic drugs and medicines
TRN : 822792 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 26.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Mental Hospital
Tender award for cleaning work at psychiatric centre jaipur
TRN : 822794 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 20.32 Crore | Agency Name : Rajasthan Cooperative Dairy Federation Limited
Tender award for supply of cattle feed raw materials
349 Supply Of ENA (Grain Based) IS-6613-2002
TRN : 821009 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 18.59 Crore | Agency Name : Rajasthan State Ganganagar Sugar Mills Limited
Tender award for supply of ena (grain based) is-6613-2002
350 Shifting of Existing 33 KV line at South Kaliapani Mines in the district of Jajpur.
TRN : 822777 |  Jaipur - Rajasthan
Contract Value : 72.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Orissa Mining Corporation Limited
Tender award for shifting of existing 33 kv line at south kaliapani mines in the district of jajpur.

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