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31 Supplying all construction materials, HDPE / GI pipes, valves, specials etc. and laying the pipeline. Constructing the pump house with compound wall, fitting and fixing of suitable motor and pump set in the production well, constructing RCC Elevated Storage Reservoir of specified capacity, providing household connections etc. along with five years maintenance after one year of defect liability period etc. complete for PWS to Sarangapur in Bari Block of Jajpur district.
TRN : 680471 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.22 Crore | Agency Name : Orissa State Police Housing And Welfare Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of police station building at bayree, jajpur.
33 Periodical Maintenance for 5 year completed PMGSY roads in the district of Jajpur for the year 2018-19. Contract Package No.-10 : Road-A-Package no- OR-13-02( Bari Binjharpur road), Road-B-Package no- OR-13-02(Mendha to Paramanandapur road), Road-C-Package no- OR-13-02(MDR 14 to Kenkarada), Road-D-Package no- OR-13-77(B)(MDR 14 to Pagida),Road-E-Package no- OR-13-100(MDR 14 to Erada),Road-F-Package no- OR-13-120(Banababaji Matha to Kaipada road),Road-G-Package no- OR-13-120(Anikana to Krushnanagar road),Road-H-Package no- OR-13-71(Sukala Mahakalapada RD road toMahakalapada road),Road-I-Package no- OR-13-13(RD road to Rudrapur road),Road-J-Package no- OR-13-75(Budhaghat to Adhanga Purusottampur road),Road-K-Package no- OR-13-124(Ankula to Panikoili road)
34 Construction of Bridge over Uchinda Nallah at 0.20 KM on Mulari to Nahaka road in the Dist of Jajpur
TRN : 633021 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.66 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of bridge over uchinda nallah at 0.20 km on mulari to nahaka road in the dist of jajpur
35 Operation and Maintenance Contract for five years of F-Quarry ETP South Kaliapani Mines for remediation of hexavalent chromium from mine effluent and surface run off of south Kaliapani mines in the dist of Jajpur.
36 Operation and Maintenance Contract for five years of F-Quarry ETP South Kaliapani Mines for remediation of hexavalent chromium from mine effluent and surface run off of south Kaliapani mines in the dist of Jajpur.
37 Operation and Maintenance Contract for five years of F-Quarry ETP South Kaliapani Mines for remediation of hexavalent chromium from mine effluent and surface run off of south Kaliapani mines in the dist of Jajpur.
38 Renovation of Samantarapur-II MIP in Sukinda Block of Jajpur District under DMF grant for 2018-19.
TRN : 631828 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 22.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for renovation of samantarapur-ii mip in sukinda block of jajpur district under dmf grant for 2018-19.
39 Renovation of Baunsamuli MIP in Badachana Block of Jajpur District under Improvement to Tank and MIP grant for 2018-19.
TRN : 631830 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 28.81 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for renovation of baunsamuli mip in badachana block of jajpur district under improvement to tank and mip grant for 2018-19.
40 Renovation to Benapatia MIP in Danagadi Block of Jajpur District under Improvement to Tank and MIP grant for 2018-19.
TRN : 632915 |  Jajpur Town - Orissa
Contract Value : 46.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for renovation to benapatia mip in danagadi block of jajpur district under improvement to tank and mip grant for 2018-19.

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