545Addition alteration and conversion of existing quarter No A 1/3 & A1/4, D2/1 & D2/2, D2/3 & D2/4 and D2/7 & D2/8 into single quarter at RHE Rajbaripara in the District of Jalpaiguri - Electrical works
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
546Construction of Dining Hall at Banarhat Colony Primary School under Banarhat- I Gram Panchayat within Dhupguri Development Block under Mid- Day- Meal Fund.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
2.62 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
547Construction of Dining Hall at Dudumary Basti Hindi Jr High School under Banarhat- I Gram Panchayat within Dhupguri Development Block under Mid- Day- Meal Fund.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
4.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
548Construction of Dining Hall at Niranjan Path Junior High School under Magurmari- I Gram Panchayat within Dhupguri Development Block under Mid- Day- Meal Fund.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
4.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
549Construction of Dining Hall at Nathuahat Dhapi Devi Balika Vidyalaya under Salbari - II Gram Panchayat within Dhupguri Development Block under Mid- Day- Meal Fund.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
4.83 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad
550Construction of 3 (three) nos. Dining Hall at 1) Rehabari TG Primary School under Banarhat - II GP, 2) New Dooars TG Primary School under Chamurchi Gram Panchayat and 3) Gandrapara TG Baroline Primary School under Banarhat- I Gram Panchayat within Dhupguri Development Block under Mid- Day- Meal Fund.
Jalpaiguri - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.90 Lacs |Agency Name :
Zilla Parishad