You have searched for jharsuguda-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

541 Construction of Netipada Check Dam at village Dumerdihi in Laikera block of Jharsuguda district under MATY
TRN : 619106 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 21.12 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for construction of netipada check dam at village dumerdihi in laikera block of jharsuguda district under maty
542 Construction of Gandaberana Check Dam at village Kuleimura in Laikera block of Jharsuguda district under MATY
TRN : 619108 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 38.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for construction of gandaberana check dam at village kuleimura in laikera block of jharsuguda district under maty
543 Construction of Kuserbari Check Dam at village Kuleimura in Laikera block of Jharsuguda district under MATY.
TRN : 619109 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 33.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for construction of kuserbari check dam at village kuleimura in laikera block of jharsuguda district under maty.
544 Construction of Tektidarha Check Dam at village Kuleimura in Laikera block of Jharsuguda district under MATY
TRN : 619111 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 25.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for construction of tektidarha check dam at village kuleimura in laikera block of jharsuguda district under maty
545 Construction of Gourmal Check Dam at village Chelkuti in Jharsuguda block of Jharsuguda district under MATY.
TRN : 619113 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 20.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for construction of gourmal check dam at village chelkuti in jharsuguda block of jharsuguda district under maty.
546 Supply on rent with installation and maintenance of 250 Nos. full size Air Coolers for summer season 2019 for 90 days at Lakhanpur Area
547 Construction of temporary toilet near field canteen at LKP OCP of Lakhanpur Area.
TRN : 617321 |  Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.03 Lacs | Agency Name : Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
Tender award for construction of temporary toilet near field canteen at lkp ocp of lakhanpur area.
548 Annual up keeping and cleaning of 33KV/ 6.6KV/3.3KV receiving substation and 1.6MVA and 2MVA substation at Quarry No-4 of Lakhanpur OCP, Lakhanpur Area, MCL
549 Hiring of one no. AC running covered jeep (Bolero or equivalent) having seating capacity 6 plus 1 on 12 hours duty basis, max run 2250 km/month for 02 years (682 working days) for Lakhanpur Area Dispensary, Lakhanpur Area.
550 Hiring of 01 no. Air Conditioned 7 seater (6 plus 1) Hard Top diesel jeep or equivalent SUV, max 3000 Km run per month, 24 hrs duty for two year (365 days per year) for Area Security Patrolling duty in mines, field, office and colony of IB Valley Are

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