604Improvement to road from Kanaktora RD road to Badhara from 0/000 Km to 2/200 Km and 2/600 Km to 3/400 Km in the District of Jharsuguda under State Plan
Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value :
1.63 Crore |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
605Improvement to road SH-10 (Talpatia) to Barmal Kirmira Block Boarder road from 0/000 km to 0/290 Km and 2/000 Km to 3/800 Km in the District of Jharsuguda under State Plan
Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value :
94.99 Lacs |Agency Name :
Road And Building Department
606Collection and preparation of samples from the left out rakes of 3rd party sampling,siding stock of LOCM I and II sidings,tippers,pit head stock and coal face of SOCP for a period of 3 years(1095 days).
Jharsuguda - Orissa
Contract Value :
40.26 Lacs |Agency Name :
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited