You have searched for kaithal-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

231 Construction Of Vehicles Parking Shed In Market Committee Office Campus In NGM Kalayat. (Under Mandi Vikas Kosh For The Year 2019-20)
TRN : 729607 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 99.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for construction of vehicles parking shed in market committee office campus in ngm kalayat. (under mandi vikas kosh for the year 2019-20)
232 Providing And Laying Pip Block From Water Works Main Gate To Tubewell Room Of NGM Kalayat. (M.C. Kalayat). Under Mandi Vikas Kosh 2019-20
TRN : 729608 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 97.3 Thousand | Agency Name : Haryana State Agriculture Marketing Board
Tender award for providing and laying pip block from water works main gate to tubewell room of ngm kalayat. (m.c. kalayat). under mandi vikas kosh 2019-20
233 Providing And Laying Pip Block Main Gate To Starter Motor Room Of Sewer Strom Water Disposal Of NGM Kalayat. (M.C. Kalayat). Under Mandi Vikas Kosh 2019-20
234 construction of development of pond on sinchawala model village Lalpur
TRN : 729613 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 72.95 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of development of pond on sinchawala model village lalpur
235 construction of of interlocking paver block road at 132kV colony Kaithal Repair and mtc. Of trench of 33KV Side and 132KV side of yard at 132KV S/Stn. Bhagal and repair and repair and mtc. Of NRB at 132KV S/Stn. Chakku Ladana
236 Replacement of 132KV Breaker at 220KV S/Stn. Kaul , Replacement of 132KV Breaker at 132KV S/Stn. HVPNL Cheeka , Replacement of Old, obsolete & defective 220KV Bus Isolator of 220KV Kaithal-PGCIL Ckt-1, Bus No-2, 220KV Kaithal –Batta Ckt-1 Bus no-1, 220KV Bus Isolator of 100MVA T/F T-3 on Bus no-1 at 220KV S/Stn. HVPNL Kaithal, Replacement of 4 Nos 33KV O/G Isolators at 132KV S/Stn. HVPNL Cheeka & 2 Nos 33 Isolators at 132KV S/Stn. HVPNL
237 Special Repair for Renovation of PWD Rest House at Kaithal
TRN : 726565 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 3.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for special repair for renovation of pwd rest house at kaithal
238 Detail estimate for providing fire fighting arrangements for PWD Rest House at Pundri District Kaithal Providing and fixing arrangements of fire fighting system in PWD Rest House at Pundri and all other works contingent thereto Deposit work
239 Construction of Mitr Kaksh in Women Police Station, Sadar and City Police Station at Narnaul
TRN : 727079 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 87.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Haryana Police Housing Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of mitr kaksh in women police station, sadar and city police station at narnaul
240 Providing 1 No deep tubewell at SC Basti in village Kithana Tehsil
TRN : 723413 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 15.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for providing 1 no deep tubewell at sc basti in village kithana tehsil

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