You have searched for kaithal-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Jharouli Khurd Estimate for providing 1 No. tube well in place of failed tube well in village Jharouli Khurd Distt. Kurukshetra. DNIT for laying of DI raising main, repair of damaged boundary wall and all other works contingent thereto
22 Annual maintenance of Rural Water Supply Schemes underPHE Sub Division No 1Kurukshetra for the year 2021-22 Falling under PHED, Kurukshetra Repair and maintenance of pumping machinery installed at existing 14 Nos tubewells List attached and all othe
23 Pehowa Estimate for providing 1 No. additional tube well in Pehowa Town Distt. Kurukshetra. DNIT for construction of Pump Chamber of size 3.05m x 3.66 m, boundary wall, laying of DI raising main and all other works contingent thereto
24 Pehowa Estimate for providing 1 No. tube well in place of failed tube well in Pehowa Town TW No.5 Near Rest House Court Complex. DNIT for construction of pump chamber of size 3.05 x 3.66m, laying of DI raising main and all other works contingent
25 Kurukshetra Estimate for providing 2 No. additional tube well in Vishwas Nagar and Kang Colony in Thanesar Town, Distt. Kurukshetra. Construction of 2 No. Pump Chamber of size 3.05m x 3.66m, boundary wall, laying of DI rising main and all other work
26 LADWA TOWN Providing sewerage scheme in remaining area balance streets of Ladwa Town Kurukshetra DNIT for laying of sewerage in left out areas repair replacement of damaged sewer lines and manholes raising height of manholes construction of
27 Annual maintenance of various Rural Water Supply Schemes of PHE Sub Division Shahbad for the year 2021 22 Falling under PHED Kurukshetra repair of pumping machinery of existing 29 Nos. tube wells and all other works contingent thereto for one year
28 Providing and fixing at or near ground level precast cement concrete in kerbs (Factory manufactured only), edgings etc. as per approved pattern and setting in
29 Construction of Sub Health Centre at village Bhambhewa in Jind Distt.
TRN : 793397 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 26.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for construction of sub health centre at village bhambhewa in jind distt.
30 WQMS Kaithal 2020-21-Support and IEC activities
TRN : 806154 |  Kaithal - Haryana
Contract Value : 6.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Of Haryana
Tender award for wqms kaithal 2020-21-support and iec activities

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