You have searched for kalpetta-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Retender General STDD Hostel rewiring of electrical Installation in Pre metric Hostel Boys Panamaram General Electrical works
2 Re Tender General construction of building for Government High School Beenachi Wayanad Electrification General Electrical work
3 All in one PC and Laptops
TRN : 863107 |  Kalpetta - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Higher Education And Training
Tender award for all in one pc and laptops
4 GENERAL SR works to government staff quarters Stage-II in C7/2,C7/3,C7/4,C7/5 and C7/6 at Munderi, kalpetta wayanad Work General Civil work
5 Kalpetta Municipality 2019-20 HIMUP School Pallithazha road widening
TRN : 850617 |  Kalpetta - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for kalpetta municipality 2019-20 himup school pallithazha road widening
6 Maintanence estimate 2020-21- water pumping and scavenging for Govt. buildings under Special Buildings section No.1 Kalpetta
7 Special Repair Work to District Animal Husbandry Office Kalpetta - Providing sheet roofing for yard area and toilet maintenance
8 MLA ADF 2018-19 Kalpetta LA - PROJECT No. 11027 - WSS to Chekkannikunnu area in ward no XI of Thariode Grama Panchyat - Pipe Line Extension form ARWSS to Padinharathara and Thariode Villages
9 KIIFB( Shifting of utilities)-(PWD- Deposit) -UIDSSMT to Kalpetta - Shifting KWA utilities from Pinangode Junction to Puzhamudi bridge along Kalpetta - Varambetta road
10 KIIFB (Shifting of Utilities) - (PWD Deposit) - ARWSS to Padinharathara and Thariode Villages - Shifting KWA utilities from Kavummannam town to Chennalode Muslim Palli Junction along Kalpetta Varambetta Road

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