You have searched for kanchipuram-tamil-nadu- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

41 CC pavement in Pt.Office Road vaipoor
TRN : 552478 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 19.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for cc pavement in road vaipoor
42 CC pavement in Pt.Office Road vaipoor
TRN : 551716 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 19.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for cc pavement in road vaipoor
43 BT to Lakshmi Nagar Salamangalam
TRN : 552479 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 24.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for bt to lakshmi nagar salamangalam
44 Providing Upgradation & Black Topping to Lakshmi Nagar Main Road at Salamangalam Panchayat Kundrathur Panchayat Union under Panchayat Union General funds of the Year 2018-19
45 CC pavement in Astalakshmi Nagar Varadarajapuram
TRN : 552480 |  Kanchipuram - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 10.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for cc pavement in astalakshmi nagar varadarajapuram
46 Providing Upgradation & Black Topping to Lakshmi Nagar Main Road at Salamangalam Panchayat Kundrathur Panchayat Union under Panchayat Union General funds of the Year 2018-19
47 Providing Cement Concrete Pavement to Pudunallur Village I Street at Poonthandalam Panchayat , Kundrathur Panchayat Union under Village Panchyat General Funds of the Year 2018-19
48 Providing Upgradation & Black Topping to Lakshmi Nagar Main Road at Salamangalam Panchayat Kundrathur Panchayat Union under Panchayat Union General funds of the Year 2018-19
49 Providing Cement Concrete Pavement to Pudunallur Village I Street at Poonthandalam Panchayat , Kundrathur Panchayat Union under Village Panchyat General Funds of the Year 2018-19
50 Providing Upgradation & Black Topping to Lakshmi Nagar Main Road at Salamangalam Panchayat Kundrathur Panchayat Union under Panchayat Union General funds of the Year 2018-19

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