You have searched for kangra-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

721 Construction of 2 Nos Class rooms back side of MCA building in Govt. College Complex at Dharamshala in Distt. Kangra HP (Deposit work) (SH:- Distempering of existing room and construction of 2 Nos class room except roofing
722 Annual Repair and Maintenace Non- Residential building at Dharamshala Distt. Kangra HP (SH:- Replace of C.G.I. sheet roofing with prepainted sheet roofing in office building of the C.E (KZ) Dharamshala
723 Rain damgaes in Excise and Taxation office building at Dharamsala in Distt. Kangra HP (Depsoit work) (SH:- Construction of Retaining wall in front of building)
724 Construction of 2 Nos Class rooms back side of MCA building in Govt. College Complex at Dharamshala in Distt. Kangra HP (Deposit work) (SH:- Distempering of existing room and construction of 2 Nos class room except roofing
725 Periodical Maintenance of road for the year 2018-19 from Sansai Dhandol road (under PMGSY) (SH:- Providing and laying 20 mm thick premix carpet surfaceing i/c profile correction in km 3/0 to 4/0)
726 Rain damgaes in Excise and Taxation office building at Dharamsala in Distt. Kangra HP (Depsoit work) (SH:- Construction of Retaining wall in front of building)
727 Periodical maintenance of road from Mungal to Rananagar under AMP 2018-19 (Rural road) (SH:- Providing and laying 25mm thick bitumen concrete i/c profile correction laying with paver finisher in km 0/0 to 1/300 ) VR No. HP0407VR0057
728 Periodical Maintenance Of The Road From Talwar To Kutwalla Via Raipur under AMP 2019-20 sh- Providing and laying 25mm thick Bitumen concrete i/c profile correction laying with paver finisher in Km 5/00 to 6/0
729 Periodical Maintenance Of The Road From Chadhiar Mungal Haler Road and Haler Nagpuri road under AMP 2019-20 (SH:-Providing and laying 25 mm thick Bitumen concrete i/c profile correction laying with paver finisher in Km 3/0 to 4/0 and 4/0 to 4/100)
730 Periodical Maintenance Of Road From Jahammuh To Bhagun under AMP 2019-20 (PMGSY ROAD) sh- Providing and laying 25mm thick Bitumen concrete i/c profile correction laying with paver finisher in Km 0/00 to 0/810

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