You have searched for kannur-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1441 Re Tender of Restoration Works for Brennan College Railway Station Road
TRN : 590138 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.46 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for re tender of restoration works for brennan college railway station road
1442 Re Tender of Restoration Works for Brennan College Railway Station Road
TRN : 594881 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.46 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for re tender of restoration works for brennan college railway station road
1443 Re Tender of Restoration works to Sisu madiram road
TRN : 590139 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for re tender of restoration works to sisu madiram road
1444 Re Tender of Restoration works to Sisu madiram road
TRN : 594882 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.99 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for re tender of restoration works to sisu madiram road
1445 Rejuvenation of Kanampuzha Improvement of Elayavoor vayal thodu and Sathram thodu and reconstruction of VCB at Cheeppu palam Kannur Corporation
1446 Rejuvenation of Kanampuzha Reconstruction of VCBs downstream side of Vayalthara road in Kannur Corporation
TRN : 594910 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 38.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for rejuvenation of kanampuzha reconstruction of vcbs downstream side of vayalthara road in kannur corporation
1447 Rejuvenation of main canal between
TRN : 617756 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.21 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for rejuvenation of main canal between
1448 Flood damages 2018- Rectification of damaged lining near 0/050 km in main canal at veliyambra
TRN : 617758 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for flood damages 2018- rectification of damaged lining near 0/050 km in main canal at veliyambra
1449 Rejuvenation of main canal between
TRN : 617759 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 11.86 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for rejuvenation of main canal between
1450 KrishiBhavan Akkarayal Road Tarring
TRN : 588412 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipality
Tender award for krishibhavan akkarayal road tarring

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