You have searched for kannur-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1831 Cost of formation and maintenance of 30 No of mother bed nursery and raising 45000 basketted seedlings of Agro foresry and kandal associates species at Kandoth Under Social Forestry Range Kannur.
1832 Retender Vengad GP 200/19 Kuzhiyil peedika Nellyad Vayal Road Tarring from ch 0/150 to 0/370km
TRN : 548853 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.21 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for retender vengad gp 200/19 kuzhiyil peedika nellyad vayal road tarring from ch 0/150 to 0/370km
1833 KOTTAYAM GP2018-19,NATIONAL RARBAN MISSION -NRM -08/03-52/19,Construction of drainage to Pookkode Purakkalam Road CH 0/740-1/893KM
1834 Retender Vengad GP 123/19 Construction Of footpath At Kaitheripoyil
TRN : 548854 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.76 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for retender vengad gp 123/19 construction of footpath at kaitheripoyil
1835 Kottayam GP Pro.No66/19,Digging of a well for Mandenkavu Colony(RE-TENDER)
TRN : 544896 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.63 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kottayam gp pro.no66/19,digging of a well for mandenkavu colony(re-tender)
1836 KOTTAYAM GP 18-19,NATIONAL RARBAN MISSION -NRM 11/01-47/19 Kinavakkal Mottemmal tower road CH 0/00-0/157km at ward 14
1837 KOTTAYAM G P NATIONATOL RURBAM MISSION NRM 08/01-44/19 Tarring work of Batherry kunnu Road at ward 8 (CH 0/000 TO 0/400KM)
1838 KOTTYAM G P NATIONAL RURBAN MISSION NRM 11/01- 35/19 Improvement of AKG Best Plywood Road at ward 12
TRN : 544899 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.57 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for kottyam g p national rurban mission nrm 11/01- 35/19 improvement of akg best plywood road at ward 12
1839 KOTTAYAM G P NATIONAL RURBAN MISSION NRM 11/01-46/19 Tarring work of Kanathil Edathil Peedika Eruvtty Thodu Road at ward 7 (CH 0/000 TO 0/114 KM)
1840 KOTTAYAM G P. NATIONAL RURBAN MISSION NRM 15/02-68/19 Construction of First floor of Poola bazar Anganawadi at Poola bazar as counselling center for Teenage girls

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