You have searched for kannur-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

851 Improvements for Blathoor Sub Centre at Blathoor in Padiyoor Grama Panchayath
TRN : 708822 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.50 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for improvements for blathoor sub centre at blathoor in padiyoor grama panchayath
852 Construction of Bridge in Vallithala Cheriya palam road in Padiyoor Grama Panchayath
TRN : 708823 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.70 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for construction of bridge in vallithala cheriya palam road in padiyoor grama panchayath
853 Construction of compound wall for ST Bathal school in Padiyoor Grama Panchayath
TRN : 708824 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.10 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for construction of compound wall for st bathal school in padiyoor grama panchayath
854 Construction of Toilet Block for girls in GBHSS Madayi
TRN : 708825 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.18 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for construction of toilet block for girls in gbhss madayi
855 Improvements and Surface Renewal to Udhayagiri Arivilanjapoyil Josegiri Road KM 1/500 to 6/300
TRN : 711288 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.73 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvements and surface renewal to udhayagiri arivilanjapoyil josegiri road km 1/500 to 6/300
856 Improvements and Surface Renewal to Udhayagiri Arivilanjapoyil Josegiri Road KM 1/500 to 6/300
TRN : 708399 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.73 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvements and surface renewal to udhayagiri arivilanjapoyil josegiri road km 1/500 to 6/300
857 Electrification work for New Academic block of GMUPS Puthiyangadi, Kannur District.
TRN : 686155 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Coastal Area Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for electrification work for new academic block of gmups puthiyangadi, kannur district.
858 tender for Valiya valappil Thalamunda vayal road taring
TRN : 708463 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.52 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for tender for valiya valappil thalamunda vayal road taring
859 Improvements and Surface Renewal to Udhayagiri Arivilanjapoyil Josegiri Road KM 1/500 to 6/300 in Kannur Dt
TRN : 686166 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.73 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for improvements and surface renewal to udhayagiri arivilanjapoyil josegiri road km 1/500 to 6/300 in kannur dt
860 tender for Karakkat Cherniyakkal canal road taring
TRN : 708464 |  Kannur - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.71 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for tender for karakkat cherniyakkal canal road taring

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