You have searched for karnal-haryana- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 Internal Clearance including Jalkhumbi, Slush and Jungle of Nissing Drain from RD 0 to 33000 before flood season 2020
TRN : 848885 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 14.93 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for internal clearance including jalkhumbi, slush and jungle of nissing drain from rd 0 to 33000 before flood season 2020
182 Construction of Boundary Wall near Five Pond
TRN : 834281 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 10.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of boundary wall near five pond
183 Internal Clearance of Indri Drain in reach RD 82000-86000, 95000-103000 & 109000-112000 before flood season 2020.
TRN : 848886 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 3.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for internal clearance of indri drain in reach rd 82000-86000, 95000-103000 & 109000-112000 before flood season 2020.
184 Construction of Community Center on MC Land in Ward No- 04, Nissing.
TRN : 834282 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 25.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of community center on mc land in ward no- 04, nissing.
185 Internal Clearance of Indri Drain from RD 13000 - 78000 before flood season 2020.
TRN : 848887 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 15.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for internal clearance of indri drain from rd 13000 - 78000 before flood season 2020.
186 Re-Construction of street from H/o Jasbir Singh to H/o Laddi and H/o Parbhjot Singh to H/o Darshan Singh, Ward No-11, Nissing.
187 Internal Clearance of G-Drain in reach RD 1000 to 9000, 16500-21500, 27000-29000 & 34000-36000 before flood season 2020.
188 Construction of Street from H/o Mehmee to H/o Joginder and H/o Ramesh Jhimar to H/o Dalsher to Band Gali, Ward No-05, Nissing.
189 Internal Clearance including Jalkhumbi, Slush and Jungle of Balu Link Drain from RD 0 - 7000, 31200-37850 & 50000-53150 before flood season 2020.
190 Construction of Revenue Rasta from Panauri Road to Jagan Singh Rana, Gharaunda
TRN : 834285 |  Karnal - Haryana
Contract Value : 6.69 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for construction of revenue rasta from panauri road to jagan singh rana, gharaunda

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