You have searched for khordha-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 Augmentation of RPWS Scheme to Bhusandapur and Adj. villages under Tangi Block in Khordha district, Odisha
TRN : 550644 |  Khordha - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.48 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Water Supply And Sanitation Division
Tender award for augmentation of rpws scheme to bhusandapur and adj. villages under tangi block in khordha district, odisha
102 Construction of Gulagara Check Dam at Chhatrapada village of Botalama G..P. in Begunia Block of KhordhaDustrict under MATY for the year 2018-19.
103 Renovation of Govt. Girls High School at Begunia in the Dist. of Khordha for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 620253 |  Khordha - Orissa
Contract Value : 38.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for renovation of govt. girls high school at begunia in the dist. of khordha for the year 2018-19.
104 EE MD / 3 (W)/E / 2018-19 Fabrication, Transportation and Erection of Gate and Hoist of Pradhansahi Check Dam under Jatani Block under Executive Engineer Minor Irrigation Division, Khordha
105 Improvement to road safety features of the Road from Jayadev Vihar-Nandankanan Ch.10.500km to 12.000km for the year 2018-19 Such as SDBC in view of ensuing Hockey World Cup 2018
106 Renovation of Gopabandhu High School at Begunia in the Dist. of Khordha for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 620254 |  Khordha - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for renovation of gopabandhu high school at begunia in the dist. of khordha for the year 2018-19.
107 NID-53-Improvement to Right Embankment Road of Kushabhadra River from Banamalipur Bridge to Mundahanapatna near Majhihara
108 NID-16-Protection to Jharling-Belanga Saline Embankment from RD 3.550Km to 3.780Km
TRN : 521990 |  Khordha - Orissa
Contract Value : 69.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for nid-16-protection to jharling-belanga saline embankment from rd 3.550km to 3.780km

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