You have searched for khurda-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

131 Improvement of Jagannath Nagar Main road, Bhubaneswar Jagannath Avenue Apartment to GGP Bridge under CRDP in the District of Khordha for the year 2018-19.
132 Improvement to Road and Drain from PWD road to Mahatab Nagar end from 0/000 km to 1/950 Km of Jatni Municipality for the year 2018-19.
133 Improvement and Widening of Road from Acharya Harihar Chhak to Bidhaba Ashram via Harijan Sahi from 0/00 km to 1/366 km and Bapuji Club to Renuka Lane Loop from 0/00km to 0/200 km (Under Urban Link Scheme) for the year 2018-19.
134 Improvement and widening of road from Shreeram Temple to Helipad via PHD office chhak from 0/0 km to 0/920 km and PHD office chhak to Shree Ram temple via Sadar Block from 0/00 km to 0/980 km (Under Urban Link Scheme)for the year 2018-19 .
135 Construction of Motor Vehicular (MV) Workshop Building For Special I.T.I, At-Khudupur, Jatani, Dist-
TRN : 529555 |  Khurda - Orissa
Contract Value : 47.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Industrial Development Corporation Orissa Limited
Tender award for construction of motor vehicular (mv) workshop building for special i.t.i, at-khudupur, jatani, dist-
136 Improvement to Canal road from Khuntapalli to Chingudia of Mangalpur minor of Salia Irrigation Project.
TRN : 577469 |  Khurda - Orissa
Contract Value : 18.00 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for improvement to canal road from khuntapalli to chingudia of mangalpur minor of salia irrigation project.
137 Construction of Office Rooms over Old Collectorate at Puri for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 525233 |  Khurda - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.19 Crore | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of office rooms over old collectorate at puri for the year 2018-19.
138 Development of Tampara Lakefront under Swadesh Darshan Scheme Jetty side Chatrapur
TRN : 522453 |  Khurda - Orissa
Contract Value : 3.74 Crore | Agency Name : Bhubaneswar Development Authority
Tender award for development of tampara lakefront under swadesh darshan scheme jetty side chatrapur
139 Improvement to Road from Surya Nagar to Bhoi Sahi via Hota Bhaina House from 0/0 Km to 2/0 Km under Khordha Municipality.
140 Impt. to Magura MIP (D/W) in Bolagarh Block of Khordha District under DPIW Grant for the year 2018-19.
TRN : 514821 |  Khurda - Orissa
Contract Value : 12.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for impt. to magura mip (d/w) in bolagarh block of khordha district under dpiw grant for the year 2018-19.

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