You have searched for kishtwar-jammu-and-kashmir- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

101 Procurement of Rubber O Rings and Valve Seals for Power House, Dulhasti Power Station
TRN : 554169 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 2.37 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of rubber o rings and valve seals for power house, dulhasti power station
102 Construction of temporary shed at TRT 1 and 2 outlet platform and renovation of access up to TRT outlet at Power House DPS, Kishtwar
TRN : 540671 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 2.65 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of temporary shed at trt 1 and 2 outlet platform and renovation of access up to trt outlet at power house dps, kishtwar
103 Providing drain along bye pass road between RD 0M to 1000M, DPS-Kishtwar
TRN : 540679 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 12.47 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for providing drain along bye pass road between rd 0m to 1000m, dps-kishtwar
104 Procurement of Different types of Special studs, bolts and Nuts for Powerhouse, Dulhasti Power Station
TRN : 536856 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 2.29 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of different types of special studs, bolts and nuts for powerhouse, dulhasti power station
105 Procurement of different types Transducers, Multifunction meters, RTD and Temperature protection relay, Dulhasti Power Station
TRN : 536670 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 2.36 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for procurement of different types transducers, multifunction meters, rtd and temperature protection relay, dulhasti power station
106 Modification in programming setting and tuning of existing Governor of each unit for interfacing with new SCADA during Annual Maintenance 2018 19
TRN : 536101 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 56.45 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for modification in programming setting and tuning of existing governor of each unit for interfacing with new scada during annual maintenance 2018 19
107 Annual Maintenance Contract 2018-19 for execution of works of underwater parts repair and other works in turbine generator set including dynamic balancing of the machine, DPS Kishtwar
108 Cleaning of different HM Equipments, Electrical Panels, Gates and surrounding areas, Power Intake, 33/11 KV Sub Station, Auxiliaries, Power Packs etc. in HMC Dul Dam for a period of 01 year at Dul Dam site, DPS-Kishtwar
109 Supply and Installation of Fire Detection cum Alarm System in Administrative Building and 132 KV Sub Station, DPS- Kishtwar
TRN : 535548 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 7.11 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply and installation of fire detection cum alarm system in administrative building and 132 kv sub station, dps- kishtwar
110 Construction of permanent boundary wall on Right Bank near Timber Huts and CISF (new) observation post and A-coy area at Shalimar, DPS,Kishtwar
TRN : 535549 |  Kishtwar - Jammu And Kashmir
Contract Value : 35.42 Lacs | Agency Name : National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
Tender award for construction of permanent boundary wall on right bank near timber huts and cisf (new) observation post and a-coy area at shalimar, dps,kishtwar

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