You have searched for kokarajhar-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Construction Of Road from Bongshigaon to Bongshigaon HS in Kokrajhar District
TRN : 831461 |  Kokarajhar - Assam
Contract Value : 1.41 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of road from bongshigaon to bongshigaon hs in kokrajhar district
22 Upgradation of existing Degree College to Model Degree College under RUSA – 2.0 at Goreswar College, District Baksa (BTAD), Assam
23 Construction of Office Building, Brick Boundary wall with Iron gate, Chowkidar Quarter and Repairing/Renovation works of Godown 3 Nos. Chowkidar Quarter including Sanitary latrine Water Supply facilities of Sapkata S.S. Ltd. in Kokrajhar District" under SOPD-G for the financial year 2019-20.
24 Construction of Office Building, Chowkidar Quarter and earth filling of Binnyakhata S.S. Ltd. in Kokrajhar District" under SOPD-G for the financial year 2019-20.
25 Immediate measures for closing of avulsion channel of river Longa at Pakriguri village under S.D.R.F. for 2019-20
TRN : 840118 |  Kokarajhar - Assam
Contract Value : 1.94 Crore | Agency Name : Water Resources Department
Tender award for immediate measures for closing of avulsion channel of river longa at pakriguri village under s.d.r.f. for 2019-20
26 Construction of ICBP road from NH 31 C at Dangagaon to Forest Bunglow in Chirang District under Article 275(I) of the Constitution of India during the year 2019-20.
27 Construction of ICBP road from Dangtol to Bangaldoba PWD road via Kathalpara in Chirang District under Article 275(I) of the Constitution of India during the year 2019-20.
28 Construction of road from Khunkrajhora to Manas village road in Chirang District under Article 275(I) of the Constitution of India during the year 2019-20
29 Construction of ICBP road at Bengtol Kumguri village including RCC culverts in Chirang District under Article 275(I) of the Constitution of India during the year 2019-20
30 Construction of ICBP road from NH 31 to Basugaon Kashikotra PWD road at Kashikotra village, Chirang District under Article 275(I) of the Constitution of India during the year 2019-20

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