6195Carry out cross section & long section Survey work @100Mtr interval respectively including detailed cross section survey along the canal upto 15mtr from the country side toe of canal embankment or from edge of the bank (where the canal is in cutting zone) of the Kana Nadi and its distributory in Jamalpur Block in Purba Barddhaman District and Dhanekhali,Haripal, Singur,Chanditala-I, Block in Hooghly District, including preparation and submission of 2 sets of cross sectional and long sectional drawing(both in excel & Auto CAD) along with level book in excel.(All are in hard & soft Copy.)
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
7.21 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Irrigation
6198Renovation and modification in Inspector's Room and other works in Directorate of Boilers, 8th floor, N.S. Buildings, Kolkata-1 during the year 2018-19
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
3.34 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
6199Planning,Design,Investigation,Construction,Erection,Installation,Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removcal Plant(AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Ground Water in different concentration to acceptable limit as recommend by CPHEEO manual on basis of departmental process drawing (MODIFIED SUJAPUR SADHIPUR) including 3(three) months Trial Run & 9 (nine) months Operation & Maintenance of different Blocks in District of Murshidabad, P.H.Engg Dte.
Name of Scheme- Aurangabad W/S Scheme Block- Suti-II Capacity- 120 Cum/hr."
Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value :
1.54 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department