You have searched for kollam-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

251 Estimate for the cost of maintenance of Trek Path From Poomkavanam to Uralkuzhy under Sannnidhanam Station under Pampa Range during 2021-22.
252 Renovation of Kalpara LI scheme between chainage 2/100 Km and 2/250Km in Mangalpady
TRN : 855292 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for renovation of kalpara li scheme between chainage 2/100 km and 2/250km in mangalpady
253 MPLADS201920Construction of Foot path on the side of canal and concreting slab on top of the Thalamukal Minor Distributory canal approx. ch173 from Milk Society junction to Mundiyil Junction at Pattathanam ward in Chavara Pt
254 Tender for Export Grade Cashew Kernels
TRN : 806213 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 5.08 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala State Cashew Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for tender for export grade cashew kernels
255 Proj No.154/20 Construction of Anezhathumukku drain at sakthikulangara zonal Div 6
TRN : 806245 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 6.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for proj no.154/20 construction of anezhathumukku drain at sakthikulangara zonal div 6
256 Pro.No.207/2020-21 Sakthikulangara Zonal Division 55 Karichalil Edavazhi Aasarimulakkal Pazhavoor Kaipally Koustubhavam Foot path Concreting
257 Proj N0 162 Annual plan 2020-21Kollam corporation Sakthikulangara Zonal Div 3 Mukkadu Odapuram Drain Construction
258 PRO NO 248/2020-21- ERAVIPURAM ZONAL- DIV 36-Renovation of Chiravayal Koottikkada drainage
TRN : 806264 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 11.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for pro no 248/2020-21- eravipuram zonal- div 36-renovation of chiravayal koottikkada drainage
259 Supply and installation of hot air borma and accessories
TRN : 806304 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 84.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Cashew Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply and installation of hot air borma and accessories
260 Fabrication and Supply of Dry Bag Cage as per the Drawing attached with Enquiry
TRN : 805308 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 9.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Minerals And Metals Limited
Tender award for fabrication and supply of dry bag cage as per the drawing attached with enquiry

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