You have searched for kollam-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 MLA-SDF 2021-22 Vellampara Valayidam Road Concreting in Nilamel Grama Panchayath
TRN : 861104 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for mla-sdf 2021-22 vellampara valayidam road concreting in nilamel grama panchayath
22 MLA-SDF 2021-22 Thempamvila Cheruvattikonam Road Concreting in Velinalloor Grama Panchayath
TRN : 861105 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for mla-sdf 2021-22 thempamvila cheruvattikonam road concreting in velinalloor grama panchayath
23 Capex e-tender for sale of Export grade cashew kernels
TRN : 861106 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.89 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala State Cashew Workers Apex Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd.
Tender award for capex e-tender for sale of export grade cashew kernels
24 DEPOSIT WORK 2021-22 Road restoration estimate due to laying watersupply pipeline through Cheerankavu puthur road.-
25 Modernisation of University Libraries- Vertical Extension to Kerala University Library-Palayam- Air Conditioning Works.
26 Dr. K R Narayanan Memorial Students Amenity Center at Senate House Campus Interior works in Suite Rooms, Global Academic Center and Auditorium-Air Conditioning of the Five Suite Rooms
27 Supply of Turmeric powder
TRN : 859961 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 10.95 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of turmeric powder
28 Providing FHTCs in Mulavukad Panchayath-(II nd stage) from existing and completed schemes .
TRN : 860101 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 41.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for providing fhtcs in mulavukad panchayath-(ii nd stage) from existing and completed schemes .
29 Supply of Coconut oil
TRN : 859962 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.54 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited
Tender award for supply of coconut oil
30 contract of Deposit work
TRN : 860105 |  Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value : 41.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for contract of deposit work

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