822Smt. Mercykutty Amma MLA 2nd stage works for Strengthening the sides and Concreting of Aarattukulangara Ayirathu Bhagam Road in Ward no 17 of Perinad GP MLA-ADF 2019-20.
Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value :
8.79 Lacs |Agency Name :
District Panchayat
823Smt. J. Mercykutty Amma, Minister for Fisheries and Harbour and MLA, Kundara LAC - Protection works to Elampalloor Bus Station - Mukkada Road in ward 3 of Elampalloor GP MLA ADF 2018-19.
Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value :
29.59 Lacs |Agency Name :
District Panchayat
829Restoration estimate for rectifying damaged berm and BT surface after layingAMRUT-Extension of 250mm DI water pipe line from km 498/500 to 499/300 (Polayathodu to madannada jn) in kollam corporation by Kerala Water Authority
Kollam - Kerala
Contract Value :
33.53 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department