You have searched for koraput-orissa- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

321 Construction and Maintenance of Simagada to Kartalmandi Road under MMSY for 2018-19 in the District of Koraput.
TRN : 514019 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.69 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of simagada to kartalmandi road under mmsy for 2018-19 in the district of koraput.
322 Construction and maintenance of Pukali to Chintalguda Road under MMSY in the District of Koraput.
TRN : 514020 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.43 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of pukali to chintalguda road under mmsy in the district of koraput.
323 Construction and maintenance of RD Road to Mulasankar Road under MMSY in the District of Koraput.
TRN : 514021 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 2.01 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of rd road to mulasankar road under mmsy in the district of koraput.
324 Construction and Maintenance of Lulla to Ghuntraguda Road under MMSY in the District of Koraput.
TRN : 513568 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.33 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of lulla to ghuntraguda road under mmsy in the district of koraput.
325 Construction and maintenance of Jodiguda to Guntnaguda Road under MMSY in the District of Koraput.
TRN : 513569 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 1.99 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction and maintenance of jodiguda to guntnaguda road under mmsy in the district of koraput.
326 Construction of Mashan Ghat in stream storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over Local nalla near village Peta in Lamataput Block of Koraput District.
327 Construction of Tala Mania in stream storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over Local Nalla near village Pakijhola in Semiliguda Block of Koraput District.
328 Construction of Luhaba in stream storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over Local Nalla near village Gunthaput in Semiliguda Block of Koraput District.
329 Construction of Jhirjhira in stream storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over Local nalla near village Kakirigumma in Laxmipur Block of Koraput District.
330 Construction of Dongayatput in stream storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over Local nalla near village Murjang in Dasamanthapur Block of Koraput District.

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