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71 Replacement of G.C.I sheet by Tata blue scope of entrance room with minor repair works of KSME school, TCM Club audotirum & project high school UKHEP, Bariniput.
72 Construction of Kamipadar MIP in Narayanpatna Block of Koraput District under SCA Scheme 2018-19.
TRN : 747428 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 22.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for construction of kamipadar mip in narayanpatna block of koraput district under sca scheme 2018-19.
73 Renovation of Malkangiri MIP in Dasmanthpur Block of Koraput District under DPIW Grant 2019-20.
TRN : 747429 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 13.88 Lacs | Agency Name : Minor Irrigation Department
Tender award for renovation of malkangiri mip in dasmanthpur block of koraput district under dpiw grant 2019-20.
74 Construction of HL Bridge over Kurli River at 4/00 KM on Kenduguda Cherka Road in the Dist. of Koraput
TRN : 742265 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 6.60 Crore | Agency Name : Rural Works Department
Tender award for construction of hl bridge over kurli river at 4/00 km on kenduguda cherka road in the dist. of koraput
75 Construction of retailing wall from R.D-5/400 to 5/600 on K.R.B Road under non plan during the year 2019-20.
TRN : 735714 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 11.30 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for construction of retailing wall from r.d-5/400 to 5/600 on k.r.b road under non plan during the year 2019-20.
76 Provision of 40KVA D.G Set for Dialysis Unit of S.L.N MCH at Koraput.
TRN : 735720 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for provision of 40kva d.g set for dialysis unit of s.l.n mch at koraput.
77 Provision of 40KVA D.G Set for blood bank of S.L.N MCH at Koraput.
TRN : 735723 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 4.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for provision of 40kva d.g set for blood bank of s.l.n mch at koraput.
78 Provision of 62.5KVA D.G Set for special Circuit House at Koraput.
TRN : 735726 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 5.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for provision of 62.5kva d.g set for special circuit house at koraput.
79 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 125KVA D.G Set for Main Hospital Building of SLN MCH, Koraput.
TRN : 735727 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 8.19 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 125kva d.g set for main hospital building of sln mch, koraput.
80 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 250KVA D.G Set for Main Hospital Building of SLN MCH, Koraput.
TRN : 735729 |  Koraput - Orissa
Contract Value : 14.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 250kva d.g set for main hospital building of sln mch, koraput.

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