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461 Hiring of 01 No Ambulance attached with Haldibari UG mine with basic life support and factory fitted A/C by original vehicle manufacturer-2018 model on daily rental basis along with drivers for 24 hours deployments for 1095 days (three years) to run
462 Masonary construction of 10 Nos. RCC Sectionalisation Stopping in T-21, MR and T-5 developed panel at Vijay West UG Mine.
TRN : 620612 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 17.10 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for masonary construction of 10 nos. rcc sectionalisation stopping in t-21, mr and t-5 developed panel at vijay west ug mine.
463 Repair and maintenance works in toilet and kitchen of Nehru Club under west JKD of JKD Sub Area.
TRN : 624172 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 8.83 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for repair and maintenance works in toilet and kitchen of nehru club under west jkd of jkd sub area.
464 Water proofing of roof of ground floor and first floor except conference hall and computer section with APP membrane at Gevra Project of Gevra Area
465 Procurement of spares for ECE make OCB 11KV, 400A Type HOP-3
TRN : 618483 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 7.08 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of spares for ece make ocb 11kv, 400a type hop-3
466 Cleaning/ clearing of existing drain, road side berm from WB No. 22 to towards east MTK and miscellaneous job required during monsoon at east and central part of mine at Gevra Proejct of Gevra Area
467 Cleaning, White washing and Stone Dusting in No. 1 Seam at Bartunga Hill Mine Chirimiri as per Reg. No. 143 of CMR 2017.
TRN : 618967 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 2.22 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for cleaning, white washing and stone dusting in no. 1 seam at bartunga hill mine chirimiri as per reg. no. 143 of cmr 2017.
468 Work of repairing of 03 Nos 33 KV , 1250 Amp SF6 GCB OF CG make at 33 KV main substation no 01 Gevra Project.
TRN : 618969 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 4.67 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for work of repairing of 03 nos 33 kv , 1250 amp sf6 gcb of cg make at 33 kv main substation no 01 gevra project.
469 Repair and maintenance in the quartes of Shri Raj, Shri Janardan, Shri Vedram, Shri Topas Mandal and Shri Dinesh Yadav under AHQ of Hasdeo Area.
470 Providing service Road from Manager office to work shop of Haldibari under JKD Sub Area of Hasdeo Area
TRN : 617138 |  Korea - Chhattisgarh
Contract Value : 13.11 Lacs | Agency Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing service road from manager office to work shop of haldibari under jkd sub area of hasdeo area

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