You have searched for kothamangalam-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Premonsoon work - 2020- 21-Providing emulsion patch work with 36mmmetal and clearing choked up drain and culvert in various roads inRoads Section, Kothamangalam
12 Premonsoon work-2020-21 Removal of water stagnation and clearingchocked up culvert and drains in various roads in Roads SectionKothamangalam
13 Premonsoon work - 2020- 21-Providing emulsion patch work with 36mmmetal and clearing chocked up culvert and drain in various roads inPothanicad Section in Kothamangalam Consistuency
14 Premonsoon work-2020-21- Removing water stagnation and clearing chocked up culvert and drain in various roads in Pothanicad Section in Kothamangalam Consistuency
15 Construction of International Boys Hostel For Mar Athanasius College ,Kothamangalam
TRN : 826074 |  Kothamangalam - Kerala
Contract Value : 1.11 Crore | Agency Name : Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra
Tender award for construction of international boys hostel for mar athanasius college ,kothamangalam
16 Estimate for the costruction of Third year maintenance of 2018 miscellanious plantation, Kalappara in Thattekkadu Section of Kothamangalam Forest Range during 2020-21.
17 Dragging stacking of timber from various ranges at Kothamangalam depot during 2020 21
TRN : 830466 |  Kothamangalam - Kerala
Contract Value : 6 | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for dragging stacking of timber from various ranges at kothamangalam depot during 2020 21
TRN : 742243 |  Kothamangalam - Kerala
Contract Value : 17.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Electricity Board
Tender award for construction of catch drain to divert the rivulet at foot hill
19 Eviction of encrochment from various roads under PWDroads section Kothamangalam at punnekkadu Jn , Irumalppady JnKeeramara Jn and other adjacent places SLTF 2019-20.
20 Transgrid Downstream Work Laying of 3x300sqmm 11kV XLPE Cable towards Kothamangalam side at 66kV Substation Kothamangalam
TRN : 726959 |  Kothamangalam - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.34 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala State Electricity Board
Tender award for transgrid downstream work laying of 3x300sqmm 11kv xlpe cable towards kothamangalam side at 66kv substation kothamangalam

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