You have searched for kottayam-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

191 Imrovements to Chiramattathumali - Kaipattoorpadi Road retarring in Ward I of Vijayapuram GP
TRN : 832723 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for imrovements to chiramattathumali - kaipattoorpadi road retarring in ward i of vijayapuram gp
192 SO 144/19 Mayamalappady Kosamattom colony Road in ward 2 of Vijayapuram GP
TRN : 832724 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.29 Lacs | Agency Name : Village Panchayat
Tender award for so 144/19 mayamalappady kosamattom colony road in ward 2 of vijayapuram gp
193 Clearing blocked up culverts and clearing side drains of Gandhinagar road 0/000 to 2/000,Pullarikunnu road 0/000 to 2/100,98 th mile M.C road to Parampuzha 0/000 to 3/400 km,Thiruvatta-Nattassery road 0/000 to 1/490,Kudamaloor-mannanam road ch:0/000 to 3/000 km
194 clearing blocked up culverts and clearing side drains in manarcad-kidangoor road,Parekkadu vazheppady road, Vattitharamattom-kidangoor road,thiruvanchoor road and Muthalavalel-Kakkathodu road
195 Clearing blocked up culverts and clearing side drains of Athirampuzha-Amalagiri road0/000 to 1/915,Ettumanoor Poonjaar road 0/000 to 5/000km.
196 MLA ADF Ettumanoor Providing pipe line extension to various places in ward VII
TRN : 831552 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 12.37 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for mla adf ettumanoor providing pipe line extension to various places in ward vii
197 MLA SDF Pipe line extension in various places in ward 12 of Arpookkara Panchayath
TRN : 831557 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 3.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for mla sdf pipe line extension in various places in ward 12 of arpookkara panchayath
198 DPK 1310/19-20 Jilla Ayurvedic Hospital O P Block Painting
TRN : 831588 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.25 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for dpk 1310/19-20 jilla ayurvedic hospital o p block painting
199 Construction of nursing lab for kothala Govt. VHSE
TRN : 831589 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 21.05 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for construction of nursing lab for kothala govt. vhse
200 Construction of building for kalloorkkulam rural reading club in akalakkunnam GP
TRN : 831590 |  Kottayam - Kerala
Contract Value : 20.73 Lacs | Agency Name : District Panchayat
Tender award for construction of building for kalloorkkulam rural reading club in akalakkunnam gp

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