You have searched for kozhikode-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

41 GENERAL GENERAL RM 2022 23 Cluster 11 one year RC KOZHIKODE KUTTIADY KOZHIKODE RM 2022 23 ZONE 11 one year running contract for various PWD roads under road section kuttiyadi in kozhikode district 5 roads stretches for a length of 20 90 km general c
42 LAC ADS 2021 22 Koyilandy Constituency Construction of building for Pakalveedu at Iringal Payyoli Muncipality (Phase 2)
TRN : 861072 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 14.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for lac ads 2021 22 koyilandy constituency construction of building for pakalveedu at iringal payyoli muncipality (phase 2)
43 LAC ADS 2021 22 Koyilandy Constituency Construction of building for Sree Narayana Bhajanamadam U.P School First f loor Balance works
44 GENERAL-Balussery Koorachunde Road Relaying of interlocking tile at Kootalida town km 5/850 to 6/270 on Balussery koorahunde road-General Civil Work
45 GENERAL-Natural calamity - Urgent repairs to roofing system of Front Tower and official portion of Judicial Academy Athani
46 ENERAL-Natural calamity-Urgent repairs to roofing system of library portion and Administrative block portion of Judicial Acadamy Athani
47 State plan 2020-21-Replacement of Old pipes in Existing WSS -UIDSSMT To Kalpetta
TRN : 861125 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 47.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Kerala Water Authority
Tender award for state plan 2020-21-replacement of old pipes in existing wss -uidssmt to kalpetta
48 GENERAL GENERAL RM 2022 23 Cluster 11 one year RC KOZHIKODE KUTTIADY KOZHIKODE RM 2022 23 ZONE 11 one year running contract for various PWD roads under road section kuttiyadi in kozhikode district 5 roads stretches for a length of 20 90 km general c
49 collection of coconuts and yields
TRN : 861950 |  Kozhikode - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.60 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for collection of coconuts and yields
50 GENERAL- RM 2022-23 Cluster II-One year RC - Kozhikode-Thodannur, Kozhikode-RM 2022-23-Zone-1 One year running contract for various PWD roads under roads section Thodannur in Kozhikode district 10 road stretches for a length of 66.385 km

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