You have searched for lakhimpur-assam-assam- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

21 Construction of building 4 units at Bihpuria, pathalipahar, Barbali under SPMRM programme
TRN : 793300 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 77.24 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of building 4 units at bihpuria, pathalipahar, barbali under spmrm programme
22 Construction of Pigsty at Pub Dhakuakhana, Kherkara and matmara under SPMRM Programme
TRN : 793293 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 76.32 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of pigsty at pub dhakuakhana, kherkara and matmara under spmrm programme
23 Construction of building for Museum of Mising Heritage at Matmara under SPMRM programme
TRN : 793294 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 92.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of building for museum of mising heritage at matmara under spmrm programme
24 Construction of buildings for Agri Service Centre at Kherkata under SPMRM Programme
TRN : 793295 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 90.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of buildings for agri service centre at kherkata under spmrm programme
25 construction of building for Agri Service Centre at Matmara under SPMRM Programme
TRN : 793296 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 90.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of building for agri service centre at matmara under spmrm programme
26 Construction of building for Agri Service Centre at Pub Dhakuakhana under SPMRM Programme
TRN : 793297 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 90.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of building for agri service centre at pub dhakuakhana under spmrm programme
27 Balijan Flow l/scheme' (construction of H/ttl, Gdte Bund and Afflux Bund, Diversion channel & closing Bund, constn of RCC Right Bank Main canal (RgHq, HP C?nal outlets-33Nos, Cattle crossing-8 Nos, Cattle & cart crossing-4 Nos, H.P. Cross drainale uUk-a Nos, RCC Box Culvert-l No, Constn of RCC Left Bank Main canar (LBMC), rnret & outret Regurator-l lro etc.)' under R|DF-XXIV(NABARD) under Lakhimpur Division(lrrigation) North Lakhimpur
28 Conversion of SPT Br. no. 1/1 into RCC Bridge at Japisajia to Debera via FCI Godown over river Sumdiri under Mahavir Lachit Chilarai Setu Nirman Abhijan (MLCSNA) under RIDF-XXV of NABARD for the year 2019-20(LAC-Lakhimpur) Package-MLCSNA/RIDF-XXV/Lakhimpur/04
29 Construction of RCC Bridge No. 7/1 over river Pabha on Haripur Balitika Road with approaches under Mahavir Lachit Chilarai Setu Nirman Abhijan (MLCSNA) under RIDF-XXV of NABARD for 2019-20(LAC-Naoboicha) Package-MLCSNA/RIDF-XXV/Lakhimpur/01
30 Construction of 3 nos of 11KV Railway trackcrossing at Sissirborgaon Sitalmari and Mechaki under North Lakhimpur Electrical Circle APDCL
TRN : 840119 |  Lakhimpur Assam - Assam
Contract Value : 68.76 Lacs | Agency Name : Assam Power Distribution Company Limited
Tender award for construction of 3 nos of 11kv railway trackcrossing at sissirborgaon sitalmari and mechaki under north lakhimpur electrical circle apdcl

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