You have searched for latur-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

281 Construction of Low Level Causeway on Dongarkonali to Kolnoor Road on D/S of Dongerkonali Storage.Tank Tq. Jalkot Dist. Latur
282 Construction of Guide Wall, Toe drain murum backing and revetment,Alternative road and CD works for Patharwadi Storage Tank Tq. Renapur Dist . Latur.
283 Construction of road in submergence of Khulgapur barrage on Manjara river at Tq. Dist. Latur
TRN : 673287 |  Latur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 74.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Irrigation
Tender award for construction of road in submergence of khulgapur barrage on manjara river at tq. dist. latur
284 Construction of Minor Bridge at Shivani (Bk.) to Salgara (Bk.) village road under submergence of Bindgihal barrage on Manjara river in Tq. and Dist. Latur.
285 Repair and Renuation to Non Residential Building in the Premises of Govt Medical College and Hospital Building at Latur, Tq. and District Latur
286 Repairs to branch office in Rest House premises, Repairs to Store shed in Rest House premises, Repairs to VVIP Rest House
287 Repairs to Residential building in the premises of Govt. Medical college, Latur Tq. and Dist. Latur
TRN : 671409 |  Latur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 9.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for repairs to residential building in the premises of govt. medical college, latur tq. and dist. latur
288 Repairs to Residential Staff Qtr. In premises of 1) Sankraman colony, old Ausa road 2) 152/278 Shasakiy colony, Barshi road 3) Sub Divisional officers office premises under Annual maintenance program 2018-19 at Latur
289 S.T.B.T to road from house of sudam Daregave to Mariaai Mandir in Magas Vargia Wasti at Village Havarga, Tq. Jalkot, Dist. Latur (Under MP fund)
290 Construction of New Court Building at Deoni Tq.Deoni Dist Latur.
TRN : 666999 |  Latur - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 8.18 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of new court building at deoni tq.deoni dist latur.

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