152Providing OHSR 25 KL Capacity, Laying, Cutting, Jointing & Testing of Pipeline for distribution uPVC Pipe 110mm o/d including cost of excavation, House Hold Connections, Pumping Machinery and Construction of Footpath and Environment Management complete in all respects & other work contigent there to :- WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR VILLAGE DHURKOT, BLOCK RAIKOT, DISTT. (Under 4215/JJM)
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
15.32 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department
153Providing OHSR 75 KL Capacity, Laying, Cutting, Jointing & Testing of Pipeline for distribution uPVC Pipe 90mm o/d, including cost of excavation, dismantling of bricks in trenches, House Hold Connections, Repair of Pump Chamber, Chlorination Plant, Pumping Machinery, Development of Water Works and Environment Management complete in all respects & other work contigent there to :- WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR VILLAGE BOPARAI KHURD, BLOCK RAIKOT, DISTT. UNDER PRWSSIP 1A (II) / JJM
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
23.93 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department