286Replacement of Pumping Machinery, Replacement of Control Panel, Repair of Pump Chamber, Repair of OHSR, Repair of Water Works, New Water Connections, Pipeline, Brick on Edge and Installation of Sign Board at Water Supply Scheme Bassian Bet, Block Sidhwan Bet, Dist. Ludhiana. (UNDER PRWSSIP sub component 2a(i))
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
8.42 Lacs |Agency Name :
Water Supply And Sanitation Department
290Providing And Laying 60mm Thick Interlocking Pavers On Road Berm Adjoining PWD Officers Official Colony and Bal Bharti Vidya Mandir School in 200 Sq Yds Plots In Urban Estate PH III Dugri Road Ludhiana
Ludhiana - Punjab
Contract Value :
21.97 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Housing