You have searched for mahabaleswar-maharashtra- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Providing and Fixing high mast pole in Taluka Wai Phaltan,Satara Khandala Koregaon and
TRN : 785376 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 23.08 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for providing and fixing high mast pole in taluka wai phaltan,satara khandala koregaon and
2 empanelment of contractors for works in cat-I (Rs 0 to 2 lac) for two (2) years with extension clause of 1 more year for up gradation/renovation/maintenance of office building BKC(Mumbai), IMCL Bandra-West(Mumbai),Staff holiday homes (Mahabaleshwar and Goa) and Officers’ Guest House ( Goa)
TRN : 768380 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.49 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for construction of cementry shed at.danavali tal mahabaleshwar dist.satara
4 Providing and applying paintings designer art painting for swachh survekshan 2018-19 for mahabaleshwar hill station municipal council
TRN : 649762 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 55.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for providing and applying paintings designer art painting for swachh survekshan 2018-19 for mahabaleshwar hill station municipal council
5 Excavation and transportation earth soil rabit etc various places in mahabaleshwar upto 15 km for mahabaleshwar hill station municipal council
TRN : 649763 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 39.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Municipal Administration
Tender award for excavation and transportation earth soil rabit etc various places in mahabaleshwar upto 15 km for mahabaleshwar hill station municipal council
6 Repairs to the P.W.S.Scheme at Erandal, Tal. Mahabaleshwar, Dist - Satara
TRN : 505033 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 3.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development Department
Tender award for repairs to the p.w.s.scheme at erandal, tal. mahabaleshwar, dist - satara
7 Construction of two forest pond at Bio diversity park at gureghar Tal Mahabaleshwar
TRN : 500498 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 7.74 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of two forest pond at bio diversity park at gureghar tal mahabaleshwar
TRN : 501041 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 4.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for const harijan wasti approch road at avakali tal mahabaleshwar
9 Construction of Laterite forest trail in Orchidarium at Bio-diversity park gureghar Tal- Mahabaleshwar
TRN : 500537 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of laterite forest trail in orchidarium at bio-diversity park gureghar tal- mahabaleshwar
10 Construction of Laterite forest trail at Spices garden in Bio-diversity park gureghar Tal- Mahabaleshwar
TRN : 500539 |  Mahabaleswar - Maharashtra
Contract Value : 13.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Forest Department
Tender award for construction of laterite forest trail at spices garden in bio-diversity park gureghar tal- mahabaleshwar

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