303ARWSS to Angadipuram Supply erection charging and commissioning of suitable centrifugal pump set having discharge of 52 lps against a total head of 165m at WTP Cherukara for pumping clear water to Cheerattamala Tank
Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value :
24.48 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
306MPLAD - 2018-19 - Work proposed by Honble MP (RS)- Sri. Ragesh -Mini Water Supply Scheme to Kalikandam SC Colony in Ward No. 15 of Pulpetta Panchayath
Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value :
34.27 Lacs |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority
310Budget 2017-18 KIIFB: Manjeri Subarban Drinking Water Project: Improvements and Augmentation of UWSS to Manjeri Municippality including Water supply arrangements to Payyanadu and Thadaparambu Area in Manjeri Municipality of Malappuram District.
Malappuram - Kerala
Contract Value :
26.19 Crore |Agency Name :
Kerala Water Authority