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221 Routine/ Regular Chemical /Physio-Chemical/ Bacteriological Testing of Water Quality Parameters in Laboratory at Dariapur , P.S. Baishnabnagar under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHED. [Period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020= for 12 month]
222 Day to Day Operation and Up-Keeping of Site Office-cum-Water Collection Centre and its premises centre (LUKOCHURI) under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHED providing all necessary man-holding supports and services to Visitors’ [Period from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020 ] ( For 366 days) .
223 Day to day Operation , Maintenance &General repair of Raw water pipeline, Clear water pipe line&distribution system for Mahadipur & Bholanathpur Distribution Zone of Gour Mahadipur Arsenic free W/S scheme under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Divn. PHE. Dte. ( For the period from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020 )=366 Days
224 Day to day Operation , Maintenance &General repair of Clear Water Main from Dariapur WTP to NH-34 (16 Mile more) to service reservoir at Sultanganj, Baliadanga, Alinagar, Uttar Laxmipur Mothabari Karari Chandpur (Narayanpur), Sahabajpur (Bholaichak), Bamongram, Sherpur (Jadupur), Sujapur Zonesof Southern Sector under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Divn. PHE. Dte. (For the period from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020)=366 Days
225 Day to day Operation , Maintenance & Genarel repair of distribution system for Mothabari Distribution Zones of Southern Sector under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Divn. PHE. Dte. ( For the period from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020 )=366 Days.
226 Day to Day Operation and maintenance , monitoring and up-keeping of 2264 KLD Capacity Water Treatment Plant including routine/regular chemical and Physico-Chemical Testing of Water Quality Parameters in laboratory at Gour under Gour-Mahadipur Water Supply Scheme, P.S. English Bazar under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division, PHED.(For 366 Days, w.e.f. 01-01-2020 to 31-12-2020.)
227 Construction of Internal road & Drain and beautification at the premises of Arapur W/S Scheme under Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division P.H.E Dte
228 Special repairs & replace of old damage CI/DI pipe by M.S on different vulnerable location under southern sector of Malda Arsenic Area W/S Divn.PHE. Dte.(Group -II)
229 Supply of Alummina-Ferric Brick (Grade-II) for Dariapur WTP & Mathurapur WTP under Arsenic Area W/S Division.PHE Dte
TRN : 829603 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 5.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for supply of alummina-ferric brick (grade-ii) for dariapur wtp & mathurapur wtp under arsenic area w/s division.phe dte
230 Special repairs & replace of old damage CI/DI pipe by M.S on different vulnerable location under southern sector of Malda Arsenic Area W/S Divn.PHE. Dte.(Group -II)

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