You have searched for malda-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

371 Construction of Additional Class Room under HCPur-II Dev. Block, Malda under the fund of MSDP.
TRN : 594501 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.29 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room under hcpur-ii dev. block, malda under the fund of msdp.
372 Construction of Additional Class Room under HCPur-II Dev. Block, Malda under the fund of MSDP.
TRN : 594504 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.29 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room under hcpur-ii dev. block, malda under the fund of msdp.
373 Construction of Additional Class Room under HCPur-II Dev. Block, Malda under the fund of MSDP.
TRN : 594507 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.28 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room under hcpur-ii dev. block, malda under the fund of msdp.
374 Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Cremation Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Khempur G.P. (Balia Maha Sawshan) under Chanchal-II Block in the district of Malda
375 Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Cremation Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Mahendrapur G.P. (Tildangi Cremention) under Harishchandrapur-I Block and Bhakri G.P. (Shipur Sawshan Sadarpur Sawshan) under Chanchal-II Block in the district of Malda
376 Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Cremation Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Jagdala G.P. under Bamongola Block in the district of Malda
377 Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal- Hiranandapur G.P. under Manikchak Block in the district of Malda
378 Construction of 86(eighty six) nos (24nos. In Paschim Medinipur, 26 nos. In South 24 Parganas and36 nos. In Malda District) Baitarani (Crematon Ground) (phase-II) at different places of West Bengal-Gazole-I G.P. (Garuhati Burning Ghat) under Gazole Block in the district of Malda
379 Construction of Additional Class Room under HCPur-II Dev. Block, Malda under the fund of MSDP.
TRN : 595425 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.29 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room under hcpur-ii dev. block, malda under the fund of msdp.
380 Construction of Additional Class Room under HCPur-II Dev. Block, Malda under the fund of MSDP.
TRN : 595437 |  Malda - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.29 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of additional class room under hcpur-ii dev. block, malda under the fund of msdp.

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