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531 Emergency damage pipe line repair (damage due to widening of PMGSY road) by different dia UPVC pipe for SAIYEDPUR Water Supply Scheme at Malda Old Dev. Block under Malda Division PHE Dte. In the district Malda.
532 Emergency damage pipe line repair (damage due to widening of PMGSY road) by different dia UPVC pipe for ALAL Water Supply Scheme at Gazole Dev. Block under Malda Division PHE Dte. In the district Malda.
533 Emergency repair & Laying UPVC pipe line due to damaged by Construction of PMGSY road & flood like situation during month of August 2017 of KORIALI ZONE-II Water Supply Scheme under Malda Division PHE Dte. In the district Malda.
534 Emergency repair & Laying UPVC & DI pipe line due to damaged by Construction of road by Uttar Banga Unayan Parisad & flood like situation during month of August 2017of DAKSHIN GOURIPUR Water Supply Scheme under Malda Division PHE Dte. In the district Malda.
535 Emergency repair & Laying UPVC pipe line due to damaged by PMGSY road of BAHARAL Water Supply Scheme at Ratua-I Dev. Block under Malda Division PHE Dte. In the district Malda.
536 Sinking of 300mm. Dia. x 200mm. Big dia. Tube Well 150 Mtr. deep by D.R. Rig method using M.S.E.R.W pipe & F.G Strainer including supply of Materials at 2ndTube well Site of JATRADANGA Water Supply Scheme at Old Malda Block under Malda Division, PHE Dte. in the District of Malda .
537 Sinking of 250mm. Dia. x 200mm. Big dia. Tube Well 160 Mtr. deep by D.R. Rig method using uPVC pipe & Resin - Bonded Gravel Filter including supply of Materials for Gazole Rangavita Tube Well no-8 under GAZOLE Water Supply Scheme under Malda Division, P.H.E.Dte. in the District of Malda
538 Construction of Boundary Wall at Head Work Site of MAHESHPUR Water Supply Scheme under Malda Division, PHE Dte. Malda. In the District of Malda.
539 Construction of Boundary Wall at Head Work Site of JAGANNATHPUR Water Supply Scheme under Malda Division, PHE Dte. Malda. In the District of Malda
540 Emergency damage pipe line repair (damage due to widening of PMGSY road) by different dia. UPVC pipe for AKALPUR Water Supply Scheme at Gazole Dev. Block under Malda Division PHE Dte. In the district Malda.

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