You have searched for mandi-hp-himachal-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

171 Augmentation of various WSS under 19 Nos Gram Panchayats of Seraj and Balichowki Block Tehsil Thunag District Mandi HP
TRN : 736787 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 75.02 Crore | Agency Name : Irrigation And Public Health Department
Tender award for augmentation of various wss under 19 nos gram panchayats of seraj and balichowki block tehsil thunag district mandi hp
172 Construction of 50 Bedded hospital at Bagsaid District Mandi HP SH Providing VRV System therein
TRN : 736785 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 1.30 Crore | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of 50 bedded hospital at bagsaid district mandi hp sh providing vrv system therein
173 Erection of retaining boundary wall and entry gate around Common Facility Centre Dharampur at Seoh Distt. Mandi (HP).
TRN : 839782 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 15.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for erection of retaining boundary wall and entry gate around common facility centre dharampur at seoh distt. mandi (hp).
174 Construction of Multi-Level Car Parking in front side of ST-01 and ST-02 at LP-01 North campus of IIT
TRN : 733156 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.80 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Institute Of Technology
Tender award for construction of multi-level car parking in front side of st-01 and st-02 at lp-01 north campus of iit
175 Construction of HPPWD Rest House at Thunag SH Providing VRV System therein
TRN : 735471 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 52.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of hppwd rest house at thunag sh providing vrv system therein
176 Construction of 50 Bedded Hospital at Bagsaid, SH Providing, Installation, testing and commissioning of addressable fire alarm and PA System therein
177 Construction of Junior Engineer Office Cum Residence at Alsindi, Tehsil Karsog
TRN : 729583 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 27.43 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of junior engineer office cum residence at alsindi, tehsil karsog
178 Construction of additional Rooms for Superintending Engineer Ist Circle HPPWD Office building at Jail road Mandi
TRN : 729581 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 32.46 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of additional rooms for superintending engineer ist circle hppwd office building at jail road mandi
179 Construction of Vety. Dispensary building at Kalahod in Tehsil Sundernagar
TRN : 730942 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 10.18 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of vety. dispensary building at kalahod in tehsil sundernagar
TRN : 729564 |  Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value : 28.04 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development And Panchayats Department
Tender award for mmlb at haradgalu gp kunnu block drang at padhar

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