72Up-gradation of Chhatri Gadagusain Tapnali road (Portion Chhatri to Pendapani, Jhared to Baga & Gadagusain to Tapnali) km 0/000 to 1/290, 10/300 to 13/960 & 29/000 to 32/070 (Sh:- Improvement, Construction of Passing Places, CD works, GSB, WBM-II, Wet Mix, Side Drain, Parapets, CC Pavement and Tarring work) under PMGSY-II, (Batch - I, 2019-20) Package No. HP-08-525.
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
7.36 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
73Document for Water Proofing Treatment at Joints of GIS and Service Bay Roof and Service Bay Joints and Water Proofing Treatment of Administrative Building and D-Type Field Hostel at Sainj Township of Parbati H.E Project (Stage-II) ( C-552)
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
21.86 Lacs |Agency Name :
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited
74AMP for the year 2020-21 on Sandhapattan Bharol Bagora Hard Ropri Kalang Traimbli Drubbal Charong Banwar KOTLI KUN KA TAR MANDONKHAR BHARGAON KOTLI ROAD DRRP NO. HP0810MDR057
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
57.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Public Works Department
75Improvement & Extension of WSS Kathyandhar and WSS Swar Dallah Ghogardhar in Tehsil Padhar Distt. Mandi (H.P.). (SH:- Laying, Jointing, Testing & Carriage of GI pipe Node No. B to D = 10000 Rmt 80 mm dia from RD 19500 to 29500)
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
17.92 Lacs |Agency Name :
Irrigation And Public Health Department
77Augmentation & Improvement of WSS Julag Sangalwah in GP Batheri Tehsil Padhar Distt. Mandi (H.P.) (SH:- Laying, Jointing, Testing & Carriage of Gravity Main, GI pipe (L) 50 mm dia = 2500 Rmt from Node J to L RD 600 to 3100 mtr.)
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
5.78 Lacs |Agency Name :
Irrigation And Public Health Department
80Balance work for the construction of Barot Mayot road Km 0/0 to 7/960 in District Mandi (H.P.) (Sub Head:- Providing and laying metalling and tarring, Cement concrete pavement, C/O retaining walls, Breast walls, C.D. works,road side drain, Essential Parapets and Five year routine maintenance under PMGSY, Batch-I, Stage-II for the year 2017-18) Package No. HP-08-334.
Mandi (Hp) - Himachal Pradesh
Contract Value :
3.26 Crore |Agency Name :
Public Works Department