You have searched for manjeri-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

151 SLTF 2018-19- Construction of drain to avoid flooding b/w (KM 1/500 - 1/800) 0f Mangattiri - Pookaitha -Pullooni Road
152 SLTF 2018-19 - Providing drainage facilities to Thirurkkad - Anakkayam Road in between km 4/200 - 4/600
TRN : 622281 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 11.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for sltf 2018-19 - providing drainage facilities to thirurkkad - anakkayam road in between km 4/200 - 4/600
153 SLTF 2018 -19 Construction of drain on Thirurkkad - Anakkayam Road in between km 1/700 to 2/100
TRN : 622282 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 4.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for sltf 2018 -19 construction of drain on thirurkkad - anakkayam road in between km 1/700 to 2/100
154 SLTF 2018-19-Construction of Culvert Extenstion on Angadippuram Valancheri road at Km 6/000 in Mankada LAC.
TRN : 620564 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 7.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for sltf 2018-19-construction of culvert extenstion on angadippuram valancheri road at km 6/000 in mankada lac.
155 SLTF 2018-19-Providing Drainage with Foot Slab work in b/w 15/600 to 15/800 in Vettichira Kadampuzha Road (Kuruva central) in Mankada LAC.
156 SLTF Works 2018-19- OR-Urgent BT Patch repairs and Stripped BT Works due to flood damages on Perimpilavu - Nilambur road km 30/700 t0 41/000 except kunnappally adivaram,kattupara and Jubily junction region.
157 SLTF 2018-19 -Urgent BT Patch repairs and Stripped BT Works due to flood damages on Angadippuram -Valanchery road km 0/000 to 13/660
158 Reconstruction of culvert at Km 4/400 of BP Angadi-Kuttippuram road in Tirur LAC
TRN : 612286 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 8.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for reconstruction of culvert at km 4/400 of bp angadi-kuttippuram road in tirur lac
159 Construction of drain to avoid flooding at BP Angadi-Kuttippuram Road between (Km 0/000 -0/800)
TRN : 612288 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 15.52 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for construction of drain to avoid flooding at bp angadi-kuttippuram road between (km 0/000 -0/800)
160 Restoration Work 2018-19 Restoration of cable trenches and Pits formed by the Reliance Jio Telecommunication Agency in Perumpilavu Nilambur Road (38/420 -39/720 and 41/350-42/170)

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