You have searched for manjeri-kerala- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

71 Purchase of Oxygen Mask and Prongs to ICU, Govt. Medical College Hospital Manjeri
TRN : 749420 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Medical Education
Tender award for purchase of oxygen mask and prongs to icu, govt. medical college hospital manjeri
72 Supply of Consumables for ECG ECG departments and ICU
TRN : 749421 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 2.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Government Medical College And Hospital
Tender award for supply of consumables for ecg ecg departments and icu
73 Resurfacing to Umathoore kadavu link road km 0/300 to 0/600
TRN : 748254 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.16 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Bridges Development Corporation Of Kerala Limited
Tender award for resurfacing to umathoore kadavu link road km 0/300 to 0/600
74 Reconstruction of damaged portion and BC overlay works to Kottakkal - Chappanagadi road between km 2/950 to 3/500 FD 2019-20.
TRN : 748258 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 24.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Bridges Development Corporation Of Kerala Limited
Tender award for reconstruction of damaged portion and bc overlay works to kottakkal - chappanagadi road between km 2/950 to 3/500 fd 2019-20.
75 Providing Stripped BT with widening of road on Uppada Chembankolli road between KM 1/100 1/900 at chembankolli Junction. Flood damages 2019-20.
76 Providing Stripped BT with widening of road on Uppada Chembankolli road between KM 0/000 - 0/800 at Uppada Junction Flood damages 2019-20.
77 Providing Stripped BT with widening of road and Drainage facilities on Vengapparatha Olarvattam road at KM 2/250 - 2/530 Flood damages 2019-20.
TRN : 747010 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 19.61 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Bridges Development Corporation Of Kerala Limited
Tender award for providing stripped bt with widening of road and drainage facilities on vengapparatha olarvattam road at km 2/250 - 2/530 flood damages 2019-20.
78 Providing Side protection work in between km 0/700 to 1/100 Left side in Mamburam link road in Vengara LAC. SLTF 2019-20.
TRN : 746057 |  Manjeri - Kerala
Contract Value : 18.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Road And Building Department
Tender award for providing side protection work in between km 0/700 to 1/100 left side in mamburam link road in vengara lac. sltf 2019-20.
79 Rectification of eroded and berm prtection works at Alinchuvadu in between km 4/500 to 5/300 in Chelari Parappanangadi road in Tirurangadi LAC. SLTF 2019-20.
80 Providing berm protection work and extension of culvert at Ungungal in between km 6/000 to 6/600 in Chelari Olakara Peruvalloor road in Vallikkunnu LAC

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