You have searched for mathura-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

931 RMRM172105-Supply of RO-MB and CPU-MB Vessel Spares
TRN : 548746 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.84 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for rmrm172105-supply of ro-mb and cpu-mb vessel spares
932 Construction of Interlocking and KC Drain from Harishankar Pandey House to Balram Pandey House on Jamuna Road
TRN : 548948 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.48 Lacs | Agency Name : Nagar Panchayat
Tender award for construction of interlocking and kc drain from harishankar pandey house to balram pandey house on jamuna road
933 Construction of Interlocking and KC Drain from Shayam Singh House to Harpal Fauzi House in Mauhalla Ridha
TRN : 548949 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.94 Lacs | Agency Name : Nagar Panchayat
Tender award for construction of interlocking and kc drain from shayam singh house to harpal fauzi house in mauhalla ridha
934 Construction of Interlocking and KC Drain from Triloki Nath Rawat House to Pilaut and Link Gali in Harishankar Diwerdi Colony Ward No. 5
935 Construction of Interlocking and KC Drain from O.P. Pandey House to Mukesh House and Harimohan House to Ramesh Chandra Sharma House in Harishankar Diwerdi Colony Ward No. 5
936 Construction of Interlocking and KC Drain from Sabir House to P.H.S. Diwerdi School in Harishankar Diwerdi Colony Ward No. 5
TRN : 547975 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.92 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for siemens make telephone exchnage installed at mathura refinery and township
938 Annual Maintenance Contract for Avery make Weigh Bridge installed at Central Store and SRU at Mathura Refinery.
TRN : 547976 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.13 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for annual maintenance contract for avery make weigh bridge installed at central store and sru at mathura refinery.
939 Repair and refurbishment of Frame-V gas turbine rotor of GT-1
TRN : 547986 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.24 Crore | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for repair and refurbishment of frame-v gas turbine rotor of gt-1
940 Expert services of Ms GE Oil Gas India Pvt Ltd. for DHDT feed pump B 3500 vibration system at Mathura Refinery
TRN : 547987 |  Mathura - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 14.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Tender award for expert services of ms ge oil gas india pvt ltd. for dhdt feed pump b 3500 vibration system at mathura refinery

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